Multi Puliyze

Aspiring artist and writer

Hello! My name is Multi S. V. Puliyze, but you can call me Multi. I'm a freelance artist, cartoonist, actor and writer looking to tell all kinds of different stories. I'm 21 years old, from the Big Island of Hawai'i, but I currently live in New York as I'm going to NYU Tisch School of the Arts. I'm aiming to graduate in 2025 with a BFA in Collaborative Arts.I draw digitally, paint, collage, and sculpt. I write short stories, novels, and screenplays. I also animate, direct, act, produce, cast, draw comics, and am looking into game design. I'm just a storyteller at heart; what more can I say?


Short Films

Aaa! (2022)

Wabbit (2021)

Stormy the Rabbit

Stormy the Rabbit is a work in progress novel of mine followng the titular rabbit after he has died and became a ghost and trying to find a way to eternal rest. The story is trying to address economic inequality and social neglect for the lower class, which is what caused Stormy's death.I've been working on this novel as part of my senior year capstone project. This is currently the first chapter of the second draft, and I plan on continuing to work on it and send out query letters for it as well.